Concerns on potential risk for workers' rights block proposal on Societas Unius Personae in European Parliament.
On 28 January 2016, the Legal Affairs Committee also debated the proposal, and decided to postpone any further decision indefinitely. We agree that the Council and Parliament took a significant step in the right direction by agreeing that companies would need to register in the Member State where they actually carry out most of their activities, but important concerns remain on the necessary safeguards and controls.
Whereas we are convinced that strengthening the Internal Market is of central importance to boost entrepreneurship and investment through small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s), which are the backbone of job-creation, this cannot open the door to letterbox companies and unfair competition. Therefore, we cannot accept the proposal in its current form. For EUCDW, competition and social justice must go hand in hand: that is the foundation of the social market economy for which we have always advocated.